Friday, September 5, 2008


adriennenene ft. jan :)

her name's so boring. jan... psh
haha JOKES.

atm, we're both at piano lessons. called quaverbox.. check out the myspace :D
i think its something like
yeah not that hard :)

the end of the week.
it felt so short cuz i only started school on wednesday.
heh, and you didnt :P

okays what would jan usually blog abt?
probs some weird analogy that revolved around either stabbing her hw, or killing half the population by circumferencing half of the world into non-existence.. yeah, naice jan.
agreed. she is whacked.

LOL kiddddding.
we all love you jan :D

btw terence just told her that her music rocked... not.

ps. JAN YOU CAN DELETE THIS (its payback for the amount of times you bagged me)

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