Sunday, August 9, 2009

Here's the Pitch, Richie Rich

These kids are shizzle !
If I was ten, living in America during 1994, we'd be tighter than a baseball glove two sizes too small, working those backward caps and Ray-Bans while we strut the streets like the cool cats we are

Herbert Cadbury: You can't play with THESE children. I must protest!
Richie Rich: Cadbury, CHILL. I'll be fine.
Herbert Cadbury: But they probably haven't even been VACCINATED!

Richie Rich: Come on. Let me hit
Forget it; you probably couldn't even hit a BEACH BALL
Richie Rich: I could hit it off of YOU.
Gloria: [insulted] All right - You think you're so hot? Put your money where your mouth is!
Richie Rich: You mean bet?
Tony: Yeah. $5 says she could put you away for keeps.
Gloria: $5? How about $10?
Richie Rich: Okay - Seems a little steep, but $10 thousand it is.
[He whips it out, and they all freak out]
Gloria: No, not $10 thousand. $10 dollars
Richie Rich: Oh, $10 dollars. Okay.
Herbert Cadbury: Master Richie, I do think it unseemly in the extreme for you to take these children's money.
Gloria: What are you doing, Mr. Fancy Pants? Asking the old guy for batting tips?
Herbert Cadbury: [insulted] Take their backsides to the cleaners, Master Richie.

Pee-Wee: I just ate
Tony: You always "just ate"

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