Monday, October 13, 2008

I can make you ice cream, we could be a sweet team melting in your vice dreams

Yesterday, I was looking through my Chinese Detailed Study notes plastered across my wall, and was trying to make sense of some of the characters..

When I realised- Ahaha. I don't have to !
So I went into the kitchen and made myself a Chocolate and Banana Milkshake, with extra ice cream


study hall

wardrobe door

bathroom wall

Call me a nerd.. but I'll.. ok just call me a nerd.

But for the few months prior to my exam, I found out something about myself.
As desperate my desires are for wanting to achieve the 'best I can' for my 3/4 exams, I'm still not able to do any work due to my lack of interest and short attention span.

I always find myself looking through design and fashion websites ! ARGH

Actually I even have each site bookmarked for my convenience.
It's like an unconscious reaction- As soon as I enter the internet, I hurry to click through each bookmark before my homepage even loads. I do this hoping that someone would've uploaded a new outfit or a design, even though I've already checked it in like fifteen minute intervals.

But it's ok. I've determined a way that might actually help me !
I collected a few of my (favorite) distractions and put direct links for you to click on from my blog ! YAY !

mm.. Your right. It doesn't really help me in any way. But it justs makes me feel better knowing that other people are distracted too. *cackle*

We can talk about the latest trends discovered on Lookbook ! and deliberate the upcoming fashion situation of black top hats and oxford shoes..
Vintage Eyewear, hot or not?
Should we Hype that? and Why do people from Germany get such awesome flea markets that sell old school Original Nintendo Gameboys with SuperMario for twenty five cents ?!
Let's go find some soon !
We'll have to do it after exams.

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